Monday, October 3, 2011

IT has been two days of travelling to both medical and feeding IDPcamps here in Mogadishu. What is quiet apparent is that most of theaffected people have travelled from central Somalia where the drought,ongoing for 2 years, has severely affected and hampered life forSomali's. the conditions are horrific....4 million Somalis areaffected and desperately i need of all kinds of assistance. Food andvaccinations take precedence followed by nutritional supplementation.Alhamdulliah, most people describe a renewed hope thanks to the AlImdaad Foundation. The NGO has embarked on a multilayered approach tothe disaster with a long term 6 month rebuilding campaign. Thechildren at the IDP camps continue madressah and Quraan has beenwritten out on long wooden planks.The contributions from around the world are making a difference andwhile much has bee done there is much more that must still happen.These are primarily women, old people and children that are found atthe IDP camps...things are terrible. We must keep doing. They need usto help

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